Real Estate Developers
We assist clients with everything from property due diligence through design and permitting. If your development is a complicated one with many permitting requirements, MFA is here to help you navigate the design and permitting process and provide you with the information you need to make informed business decisions.
Services Provided
Real Estate Developers
Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
MFA has conducted hundreds of Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) since 1997, to help our clients meet financial institutions’ requirements and to provide peace of mind. Our ESAs meet the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, including the bona fide prospective purchaser and innocent purchaser defense.
Site Adaptive Reuse Analysis (SARA)™
A Site Adaptive Reuse Analysis (SARA)™ is a conceptual plan that explores whether a property can be redeveloped to better serve the community. We perform a market assessment to identify the industries that are suitable for the end use of the property and then evaluate the existing features of a site and identify prohibitions against development. We then meet with the client for a visioning process and deliver a report that includes estimates of development costs, the ROI, and the conceptual plan.
Siting Analysis
We use GIS to help clients identify sites for development. Clients bring us a list of requirements, needs, and characteristics, and we locate between three and seven sites for consideration.
Property Development Due Diligence
MFA helps clients who are considering purchasing property. We look at any prohibitions to development, including those related to environmental areas, and perform an infrastructure capacity analysis. We also examine land use overlays, floodplains, wetlands, and presence of any endangered species.
Permitting and Entitlement
We help the client navigate land use and environmental permitting. MFA has a mutually respectful relationship with local and state permitting agencies. If you are applying for a permit, need to change your existing permit, or need a better way to meet the requirements of your permit, MFA can help you.
Civil Engineering
We provide reliable site infrastructure design for development of sanitary sewer, potable water, stormwater, and roads to serve the project site. We apply science-based approaches and keep cost, constructability, operation, and maintenance in mind.
Brownfield Redevelopment
We help clients redevelop contaminated sites and sites that are perceived to be contaminated. MFA incorporates the site remediation into the development whenever possible and helps turn a blighted piece of property into an asset for the community.
Landfill Redevelopment
MFA has been involved in solid waste projects since our founding. This expertise, combined with our vast experience in brownfield redevelopment, makes us well-suited to tackle landfill redevelopment, and we have led multiple award-winning landfill redevelopment projects in the Pacific Northwest.
Real Estate Inquiries
Thanks for your interest in MFA. Whether you are deciding to develop a property or navigating the permitting processes, we’d like to hear from you. Please reach out and we will get back to you.