Data & Technology Industries
The tech industry faces its own unique challenges when it comes to development. Our Data and Technology Services department helps clients navigate a complex regulatory landscape and guides them through every stage of development, from scouting sites to community engagement.
Services Provided
Data & Technology Services
Siting Analysis
Data centers and other tech-focused developments have unique requirements that involve a lot of in-depth analysis of sites to determine suitability. At Maul Foster & Alongi, we pair our decades of experience in the field with detailed, large-scale GIS applications that allow us to help clients find the most advantageous property for their development.
Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Properly completed due diligence ensures that a project will pose minimal risk, remain in compliance, and achieve limited liability protection. Our due diligence is defensible and sound, without errors that leave the client open to legal issues.
Prospective Purchaser Agreements
Development of brownfield sites can be complicated, with liability risk and a complex regulatory system. We work with state and federal agencies to obtain protection against liability related to existing contamination, allowing the client to proceed with the development of new storage facilities or data centers without liability concerns.
Utility Assessment and Modeling
MFA assesses utility service availability and routing options and can model conditions to understand whether existing infrastructure can support a prospective build or facility remodel. We can provide alternative options and engineers’ estimates to help in projecting outline development cost, permitting, and timing.
Feasibility Studies
MFA conducts many different types of feasibility studies, working with clients to identify roadblocks to their proposed projects and to propose solutions to problems that may affect various project components.
Using the Site Adaptive Reuse Analysis process, MFA reviews site development challenges through a multifaceted lens (i.e., environmental, engineering, construction, environmental justice, permitting, cost and timing constraints, zoning) to identify development solutions that will drive site reuse toward our clients’ goals and objectives.
Master Planning
Through the master planning process, MFA prepares conceptual site layout alternatives to help refine project cost, timing, and permit specifications to further the design-build process.
MFA offers many graphic design and spatial analysis services. From siting analysis to identify the best location for your new development to a 3D rendering of your master plan concept to engage stakeholders’ interest more deeply, our graphic design and geographic information specialists develop state-of-the-art deliverables to help you convey project information clearly and professionally.
Civil Engineering
We apply practical, science-based approaches to our clients’ engineering concerns, keeping cost, constructability, operation, and maintenance in mind. We work with our clients from beginning to end—the initial project feasibility stage, planning, design, permitting, construction plans and specifications, construction bid solicitation, and construction oversight—and continuing through operation/environmental monitoring support.
Brownfield Redevelopment
MFA partners with regulatory agencies, property owners, and local communities to help develop contaminated sites, which often are underutilized or even abandoned. Data facilities have specific needs that place them in line for brownfield redevelopment and support. Our solutions help restore the environment and protect public health while also providing communities with opportunities for economic improvement.
Permitting and Entitlement
MFA makes extensive use of relationships with local agencies and governing bodies, working to ensure that the permitting process is direct, efficient, and as secure as possible for our clients. The data and technology industries must operate within unique constraints, and MFA is specially equipped to help clients navigate this particularly complex regulatory landscape.
General Contracting
We perform as the general contractor, construction manager, or client representative to coordinate physical construction, remediation, or restoration on client projects. MFA has long-standing relationships with specialized contractors, and we coordinate with them to ensure that the work is done effectively and efficiently.
Communications and Public Relations
To ensure that our communication strategies are highly useful and implementable, we base them on realistic time and budget considerations. We bring our expertise, energy, and enthusiasm to help our clients meet their goals while building lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with the community. We work together with project teams and agency staff to engage audiences with each project’s unique story.
Data & Technology Inquires
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