MFA offers a strategic approach to assessment and cleanup at petroleum sites. Our team members have devoted their careers to cleaning up sites through a reasonable, pragmatic, and efficient approach to remediation. We distill complex technical issues to develop efficient, cost-effective cleanup actions, and we have strong relationships with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology), and the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA) that are based on credibility, mutual respect, and project success.
Services Provided
Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
We’ve conducted hundreds of Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs) at a wide range of sites, including vacant properties; commercial fueling stations; and large, complex industrial sites, timberlands, and landfills. We conduct all Phase I ESAs consistent with the requirements of the ASTM International Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, including the bona fide prospective purchaser and innocent purchaser defense. Our team can also provide a range of supplemental services to further assess environmental risk, such as ground penetrating radar surveys, prospective purchaser agreement coordination, and hazardous building materials assessments.
Contaminated-Site Closure
Our contaminated-site closure services include remedial investigation, risk assessment, feasibility study, remedial design, and remedy implementation. We work collaboratively with regulators to ensure that our proposed path efficiently moves projects toward site closure. We design investigations by building on a solid foundation of site knowledge and tailoring each assessment to efficiently meet the objectives of each project.
Regulatory Compliance
Our comprehensive regulatory compliance services can help your industrial facility meet the permitting, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting needs of your organization and the compliance demands of federal, state, and local regulations. We have strong relationships with DEQ, Ecology, and PLIA that are based on credibility, mutual respect, and project success.
Brownfield Redevelopment
With population growth and rising property costs, land reuse is at the forefront of development. Thorough assessment of environmental issues enables clients to transform contaminated properties into community assets. We design and implement effective brownfield solutions that maximize your return on investment while minimizing liability. We work collaboratively with regulatory agencies and property owners to produce successful transactions.
Sediment Characterization and Remediation
We have extensive experience sampling sediment in marine and freshwater environments throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our expertise includes sampling under the Sediment Cleanup User's Manual; the Sediment Evaluation Framework; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, and subsequently obtaining work plan and report approval from federal and state regulators. MFA has served as a sediment characterization and cleanup consultant for both Ecology and DEQ.
Civil Engineering
We provide reliable site infrastructure and designs that effectively translate concepts to construction. We apply practical, science-based approaches to our clients’ engineering concerns, while keeping cost, constructability, operation, and maintenance in mind. Our years of successfully implementing these approaches have led us to be seen as experts in the civil engineering field.
MFA’s civil engineers design stormwater infrastructure that protects our watersheds; becomes an asset to the site; and meets federal, state, and local requirements. We navigate considerations from permitting to design and produce solutions that integrate with facility operations and add value. We create stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs); stormwater pollution control plans (SWPCPs); best management practices (BMPs); level 1, 2, and 3 corrective action responses; and tier I and II corrective action responses. We also provide technical support and expert witness services for Clean Water Act lawsuits.
Community Exposure Assessments
Community assessments span disciplines including occupational exposure, environmental risk, and community engagement. And they often require engaging with environmental regulators, public health officials, attorneys, occupational safety regulators, community members, and other stakeholders. MFA’s multidisciplinary expertise allows us to provide clients with an integrated approach that saves time when engaging with multiple regulatory frameworks and regulators. In addressing concerns such as chemical exposure, noise, and odor, we bring diverse stakeholders to a shared understanding of facts so that disputes can be resolved in a timely and reasonable manner.
Environmental Data Management
Our environmental data management solutions provide a streamlined data workflow process. We use the latest relational database management system technology to organize your data. Our process starts in the field, where we use mobile devices to automate data input, and it continues as we combine data with laboratories’ analytical results. Our practices and procedures ensure that your data are quantifiable, sufficient, and of legally defensible quality.
GIS and Data Analytics
GIS is a powerful tool that provides data visualization and analysis to help in making better-informed decisions. MFA’s team is proficient in harnessing the power of GIS to help clients understand complex environmental-contaminant patterns. We also offer a robust suite of environmental data management services and solutions that are designed to provide clients with high-quality, legally defensible data. Our goal is to streamline the data workflow process from preplanning through collection, analysis, validation, and reporting. From start to finish, MFA’s GIS and data analytics services—field logistics, data management, environmental chemistry, and environmental analysis and visualization services—provide the most integrated and cost-effective handling of project data.
Fuel Inquiries
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