Granite Falls, WA
Remediation and Closure of Cardlock Fueling Facility
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MFA provides environmental management and compliance services for PetroCard's network of over 60 cardlock fueling facilities across Washington and Oregon. To support these ongoing services, MFA maintains a detailed environmental database for these sites and conduct various activities, including compliance assessments for hazardous materials, stormwater monitoring, and remedial investigations and cleanups.
At a PetroCard cardlock facility in Granite Falls, Washington, petroleum-contaminated soil (PCS) was discovered during facility upgrades. MFA directed the remediation process alongside ongoing upgrades, which helped reduce costs by minimizing the need for additional equipment and contractor mobilizations. This simultaneous approach ensured efficient completion of both projects; the facility upgrades and the site cleanup.
The success of this remedial action required effective coordination and communication with Ecology, the general contractor, the analytical laboratory, and the client. The cardlock was located adjacent to two busy rights-of-way, a high school, and a commercial business building; quickly removing and restoring the cardlock required effective planning of space, direct loading of trucks, and quick-turn analytical data. Confirmation sampling indicated that the PCS removal had been successful
Following the PCS removal, MFA coordinated a subsurface investigation to evaluate impacts to groundwater and develop a compliance monitoring network to ensure remediation of residual petroleum at the property. After four quarters of groundwater monitoring resulting in petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations that either were not detected or were detected well below their respective cleanup levels.
This project was conducted as an independent cleanup to meet the client’s expedited response time frame, and the site was subsequently enrolled in the Washington State Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA). Following compliance groundwater monitoring at the site, the cardlock received a No Further Action determination for the site from PLIA.
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