Kent, WA
Investigation and Cleanup of Cardlock Fueling Stations
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Following the discovery of a release from the underground storage tank system at PetroCard corporate headquarters in South Kent, Washington, PetroCard contracted MFA to provide investigation and cleanup services. The release area was large, approaching the property boundary, and contained both diesel and gas, adding a layer of complexity. MFA conducted a targeted investigation of the underground storage tank release, developed a remedial action plan and design, worked with the City of Kent to obtain a grading permit and a State Environmental Policy Act determination of non-significance, and performed a large petroleum contaminated-soil removal action.
The targeted investigations, including an off-site investigation, allowed MFA to further delineate areas of concern, and MFA was able to separate the soil removal footprint into three areas. One area was impacted primarily by gasoline and was covered under an insurance policy held by the property owner and former operator. Cleanup actions were structured to streamline the insurance claim process and maximize funding.
During the soil removal action, it was discovered that the stormwater system at the site was in poor condition and required replacement. MFA promptly responded and designed a new stormwater layout that addressed the drainage needs of the high-traffic site and was compatible with the new surface grade post excavation. In addition, MFA was able to streamline the piping configuration, providing cost savings.
To address the contamination in a timely manner, PetroCard opted to conduct an independent cleanup action. When the majority of contamination had been addressed using insurance funding, MFA developed a plan to address remaining contamination, which set the stage for project completion. The site was eventually issued a No Further Action opinion from Ecology.
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