Ryan Cole

Ryan Cole

Senior Graphic Designer

Ryan is a creative professional and graphic designer with over 20 years of experience and an expert level understanding of Adobe software. He is adept at turning words, thoughts, and ideas into visual representations that successfully navigate varying platforms and audiences.

Ryan is a creative professional and graphic designer with over 20 years of experience and an expert level understanding of Adobe software. He is adept at turning words, thoughts, and ideas into visual representations that successfully navigate varying platforms and audiences. His success in graphic design stems from his passion for the process of reconciling differing visions and opinions on a project and creating unique designs to fit his clients’ needs.

He considers himself a creative craftsman and a lifelong student of design and visual communication. Ryan works with both internal and external clients, creating visual excellence both within and without the office. He has a strong branding and identity skill set focused on clear and effective visual communication. 

When Ryan isn’t creating in the office, he’s creating in the kitchen and trying out new recipes. He also enjoys playing piano.

What was your first job? Does it relate to what you're doing now? 

My first job was washing dishes in a French restaurant on Martha’s Vineyard. I worked my way up to prepping food, and eventually cooking on the line with the chefs. Plating dishes taught me about composition, color, and balance. I credit my time cooking to my success in graphic design. 

Education & Experience

  • Associate in Fine Arts in Web and Graphic Design, Clark University