Melissa Johnston

Melissa Johnston, AICP, CFM

Project Planner

Melissa brings firsthand city planning experience to the MFA team. She has worked as a current and long-range planner for cities in both Washington and Oregon and remembers well what it’s like to wear many hats as a public servant for a small jurisdiction.

Melissa brings firsthand city planning experience to the MFA team. She has worked as a current and long-range planner for cities in both Washington and Oregon and remembers well what it’s like to wear many hats as a public servant for a small jurisdiction. She is experienced in shoreline and floodplain management for local governments and embraces the challenge of balancing urban development and environmental protection. Before becoming a planner, Melissa spent ten years working in environmental outreach where she conducted waste audits and coordinated waste reduction education programs for local governments.

Melissa enjoys advocating for the urban forest and can often be found on the weekend planting trees with local nonprofits. When she’s not volunteering, you’ll find her playing bluegrass guitar.

Do you have any pets? What are their names? 

In 2023, I adopted a blue and gray kitten, Gusto, named for his exuberant, playful approach to life.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources, University of Washington
  • Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Portland State University


  • American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)
  • Certified Floodplain Manager: No. US-23-12699