Chad Darby

Chad Darby

Principal Air Quality Specialist

Chad has 32 years of professional experience in the field of air quality science and engineering. As an air quality consultant, Chad enjoys combining his knowledge of math, chemistry, and physics with the challenge of understanding the applicable rules and regulations in order to help clients navigate what can often be a very narrow path to achieving their goals.

Chad has 32 years of professional experience in the field of air quality science and engineering. As an air quality consultant, Chad enjoys combining his knowledge of math, chemistry, and physics with the challenge of understanding the applicable rules and regulations in order to help clients navigate what can often be a very narrow path to achieving their goals. 

What was your first job? Does it relate to what you’re doing now?

I began working in the nuclear industry at a national laboratory, helping to understand the relationship between the magnitude of an air quality release of radionuclides and what is detected. It very much relates to the type of challenging problem solving I currently provide to clients.

Education & Expertise

  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Emphasis, University of Minnesota

  • Bachelor of Science in Physics, Grinnell College