Image - Bridge Point I-5

Portland, OR

Brownfield Development for Large-Scale Warehouse

Client Name

Bridge Industrial Development Partners

Related Sector

MFA led the agency negotiations, design, permitting, and construction oversight for the remediation of an Oregon DEQ Cleanup Site (a former concrete structure manufacturing facility and industrial waste landfill) and its redevelopment as a 33-acre industrial warehouse complex. Landfill gas was a significant factor associated with the waste materials. In addition to the landfill, the site is located along the Columbia Slough, a sensitive and historically impacted water body.

MFA provided environmental support and civil engineering services for the site’s redevelopment as a large-scale industrial warehouse complex. The redeveloped site includes two large-scale industrial warehouse buildings (with a total of approximately 675,000 square feet of building area), associated site improvements and infrastructure (stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment systems; sanitary sewer system; fire suppression and potable water systems), and landfill gas (LFG) collection, barrier, venting, and monitoring and detection systems. MFA supported the client with source sampling and evaluation of clean soil import (approximately 275,000 cubic yards imported).

MFA’s services included due diligence support; agency negotiations, post-acquisition environmental permitting and design services; construction quality assurance services; preparation of an environmental management plan; and postconstruction landfill gas and source control evaluations, monitoring, and reporting.

MFA prepared remediation design alternatives and coordinated with the DEQ’s Cleanup Division for review and approval of the selected remedy. MFA also provided assistance with drafting of development documents and with Consent Judgment negotiations with the DEQ.

Our team prepared the site civil components of the City of Portland building permit application. These included design drawing sets for on-site features (grading, stormwater conveyance and treatment, sanitary sewer, and water; hardscape details; and LFG mitigation systems) and right-of-way improvements (public storm conveyance and treatment system; roadway design). Throughout the application review process, MFA coordinated with all the involved city bureaus and the Multnomah Drainage District. After issuance of the building permit, MFA provided construction quality assurance services documenting the correct installation of LFG collection, barrier, and monitoring and detection system components and conducted baseline LFG assessments (during and after construction) to inform long-term environmental monitoring. MFA is implementing ongoing monitoring, which has shown the LFG and source control systems are functioning as designed.

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Ted Wall
Ted Wall, PE
Principal Engineer