Meet Ryan Cole, Senior Graphic Designer

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, but I moved around quite a bit early on in my life. I ended up going to high school on Martha’s Vineyard, then college in Boston. I’ve been here in the Pacific Northwest since 2001.
What do you do at MFA?
I’m a senior graphic designer. I’m fortunate enough to work with both internal and external clients.
What’s rewarding about your job?
Solving visual communication problems and working with all the various disciplines we have at MFA. This is a very good environment for those who love to learn and solve problems.
Why is what you do important?
Graphic design often happens after large efforts by many people. A lot of time gets invested into content and data, so it’s important to give the materials the same amount of effort in design.
What’s your favorite restaurant/place to go in your area?
I’m on a taco kick right now, and I’ve been going to Little Conejo a lot. It might be the best fish taco I’ve ever had. I highly recommend the brisket taco as well.
What skills do you bring to your work?
I have expertise in Adobe Creative Suite, web design and development, branding/identity, and art direction. I consider myself a visual craftsman.
What do you like to do off the clock?
I love to cook and play piano mostly, but I also get out and wander the beautiful Pacific Northwest with my dog every chance I get.
What’s the best advice you’ve received from a work colleague?
It’s okay to walk away from your desk when you’re stuck. No sense beating your head over a problem when the solution isn’t ready. Just come back to it, there are plenty of other problems to solve.
If you were not a graphic designer, what would you be?
Probably a carpenter or chef.
What’s on your bucket list?
I want to kayak in the San Juans with Orcas and eat my way through Italy and France.
What was your favorite childhood movie/TV show?
Gilligan’s Island. I saw myself in most of those characters. The professor almost got them off the island so many times!