Air Quality
Air Quality Solutions
Air quality regulations can lead to complex operational issues. Whether you are building a new facility, modifying a process, or seeking compliance, MFA’s solutions to air quality concerns allow you to maintain focus on your core business.
Emission Inventories (including Air Toxics)
Whether intended to help determine the applicability of a regulation, apply for a permit, design a control solution, or assess human health risk, estimating emissions is the first step in any air quality analysis. We use chemical and physical properties to estimate emissions of criteria, hazardous, and toxic air pollutants from hundreds of unique processes.
From simple, minor source permit modifications to complex, major New Source Review permits, we will assist you as you pursue construction and operation permitting for new and existing facilities. We assemble project descriptions, emission estimates, pollution control evaluations, dispersion modeling results, and figures to prepare a complete application for a timely permit.
Air Dispersion Modeling
We have extensive experience developing meteorological and topographical inputs for air dispersion modeling and are experienced with AERMOD, CALPUFF, ISCST3, and SCREEN3. We use a variety of tools to process outputs for human health risk assessments and then display the results in GIS-based interactive maps using satellite imagery.
Human Health Risk Assessments
If you are looking for a detailed assessment of excess cancer risk and chronic and acute hazards to target organs, our team uses a wide body of research to select appropriate risk factors and hazard quotients. We display risk assessment results on interactive satellite imagery maps so that clients can review locations around their facilities and quickly identify which sources and pollutants are contributing the most to the risk and hazards.
Pollution Control Evaluation and Engineering
We conduct numerous control technology assessments for state and federal regulatory programs, and we can assist you as you evaluate controls for general engineering and process needs like managing odors or fumes and worker station environments. Our services include a variety of ways to evaluate your pollution control situation and recommend solutions to problems.
Industrial Ventilation Engineering
We will help you design systems to improve emission control and worker safety by effectively capturing emissions and conveying them away from workers and the process environment. Our services include many ways to inspect, design, and integrate systems and to plan for construction and verify performance.
Compliance Planning and Auditing
Compliance may begin long before a permit is issued. We support clients with notifications, testing, developing tools for recordkeeping and reporting, compliance calendars, inspections, and systemic compliance audits. We also support clients by completing Toxic Release Inventory reporting.
Enforcement Support
If you are facing enforcement actions, we can provide support for you. Our services include technical demonstrations, negotiation, expert testimony, benefit analysis, and development of mitigation strategies and projects.
Ambient Meteorological and Air Quality Monitoring
If you are looking for meteorological monitoring, our full-service monitoring team can install stations, calibrate and maintain equipment, and develop dashboards for real-time tracking. We even have solutions for remote systems where communication and power aren’t available.
Odor Impact Evaluation and Controls
If you have an odor source that is creating a problem, our quality engineers can conduct field observations, collect samples, and then evaluate and recommend odor-control solutions. If your facility hasn’t yet been built, we can complete an emission inventory and then create a model to evaluate the likelihood of odor issues.
General Inquiries
Thanks for your interest in MFA. Whether you are looking to start a project, get support, or just have a general question, we'd like to hear from you. Please reach out and we will get back to you.