Seth Otto

Seth Otto, AICP, LEED AP

Principal Planner

Seth is a principal planner with a passion for community development, urban revitalization, and environmental conservation. His work focuses on land use planning, brownfield redevelopment, public policy, and sustainability. He has nearly 20 years of experience and currently leads MFA’s Planning team.

Seth is a principal planner with a passion for community development, urban revitalization, and environmental conservation. His work focuses on land use planning, brownfield redevelopment, public policy, and sustainability. He has nearly 20 years of experience and currently leads MFA’s Planning team. He is recognized as a strong and effective project and team manager with expertise in collaboration with diverse multidisciplinary teams. Seth manages large and complex projects in which his attention to detail, familiarity with reporting and administrative requirements, communication skills, and collaborative approach are valuable assets to clients. 

Seth is engaged in redevelopment planning for brownfield and underutilized properties around the Pacific Northwest for both public and private clients. He regularly supports project funding strategies and has written successful grant applications to state and federal agencies. He has managed several policy research studies focused on the scale and impact of brownfield properties at the local and statewide levels and is active in working to implement new policies and programs that have been adopted by state and local governments around the region.  

Seth has lived in Oregon off and on since 1996 and currently is settled with his wife and three kids in southeast Portland. He enjoys long runs, crossword puzzles, vegetable gardening, and craft beverages. 

What was your first job? Does it relate to what you’re doing now?   

My dad was a general contractor who worked in residential construction. I was on job sites with him and my uncle since I could walk. At one point, I was paid in M&Ms. That exposure to the construction industry instilled a deep interest in the built environment, an appreciation for craftmanship, and a respect for quality design. I like to think I bring a high level of care and attention to my work because I hope that it will have a lasting impact for my clients and their communities.

Education & Experience

  • Master’s of Science in Community and Regional Planning, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture
  • Fulbright Fellowship, La Paz, Bolivia
  • Bachelor’s of Arts in Sociology and Spanish, Linfield College


  • American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) 
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP)