Mary Benzinger

Mary Benzinger

Senior Chemist

Mary provides data validation, data verification, laboratory coordination, quality assurance support, and data management support for multiple environmental projects.

Mary provides data validation, data verification, laboratory coordination, quality assurance support, and data management support for multiple environmental projects. She conducts data validation consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for typical organic and inorganic data. Her strengths include a solid understanding of the impacts of laboratory and field practices on environmental data quality and careful assessment of environmental data in accordance with validation and project requirements.

Mary’s chemistry expertise spans all analytical methods and chemical groups commonly found at contaminated sites including metals and other inorganics, petroleum hydrocarbons, dioxins/furans, PFAS, PCBs, VOCs, SVOCs, insecticides, herbicides, and pesticides in soil, sediment, surface water, groundwater, wildfire debris, hazardous building materials, soil vapor, and air. She manages data in an EQuIS environmental database and prepares data deliverables in multiple formats for site evaluation and project reporting purposes. 

Outside the office, Mary enjoys gardening, learning the various arts and crafts of old house repair, and spending time with her family.

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading First, Catch: Study of a Spring Meal by Thom Eagle.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis