Mackenzie Kitchen

Mackenzie Kitchen

Marketing Specialist

Mackenzie believes that every day is a school day. She appreciates that her role at MFA allows for free history lessons on the natural and built environments around her, and she values the culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration at MFA.

Mackenzie believes that every day is a school day. She appreciates that her role at MFA allows for free history lessons on the natural and built environments around her, and she values the culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration at MFA. 

As a Marketing Specialist, Mackenzie takes complicated information regarding project approaches, budgets, schedules, and outcomes, and turns it into digestible deliverables like proposal packages, presentations, and other collateral materials. She also shares MFA’s and its people’s stories with the public via MFA’s social media platforms, at conferences and events, and through strategic marketing initiatives. When she’s not at work, Mackenzie enjoys being outside, finding creative ways to avoid staring at a screen, and navigating her many open Wikipedia tabs.

Where is your hometown/where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Washougal, Washington. Coincidentally, I have learned more about my hometown in the few years that I’ve worked for MFA than I did while living there, and it’s been a pleasure to be at a company that does work in my own backyard. 

Education & Expertise

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies: University of Washington