Kelly LaFave

Kelly LaFave

Marketing Specialist

Kelly brings over ten years of administrative experience to her role at MFA. After working for more than four years here as an administrative assistant and project administrator, Kelly returned in November 2018 as an HR assistant and now supports the marketing team, working on various marketing projects to establish new processes and determine ways to increase efficiency in existing ones.

Kelly brings over ten years of administrative experience to her role at MFA. After working for more than four years here as an administrative assistant and project administrator, Kelly returned in November 2018 as an HR assistant and now supports the marketing team, working on various marketing projects to establish new processes and determine ways to increase efficiency in existing ones.

Give us a dinner or lunch recommendation! 

DEDIKo is a favorite. Their beet dip is unbelievably good.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Community Health, Western Washington University