Jessica Letteney

Jessica Letteney

Technical Writer

Curiosity and a drive to understand how things work led Jessica to a technical writing and editing career that spans many fields including contaminated site cleanup, habitat conservation, drinking water treatment, building energy efficiency, and manufacturing process improvement.

Curiosity and a drive to understand how things work led Jessica to a technical writing and editing career that spans many fields including contaminated site cleanup, habitat conservation, drinking water treatment, building energy efficiency, and manufacturing process improvement. With more than 30 years developing and producing everything from books to one-pagers, Jessica has helped shape technical prose into stories that readers can relate to. She relishes the opportunity to research, write, and edit communications that help people gather information, improve their understanding, and take action on scientific and technical issues.

In her personal time, Jessica enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest’s tidepools and hot springs, writing poetry, and making tasty food for friends.

If you were not a technical writer, what would you be? 

I would be a geologist. Rocks tell stories about our planet and our universe. I would love to know enough to decode their mysteries.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


  • Certificate in Technical Writing, Portland Community College