Ethan Poole

Ethan Poole

GIS Analyst

Ethan is a GIS professional with a background in urban and regional planning. His consulting experience includes leveraging GIS to facilitate changes for cities, counties, and school districts.

Ethan is a GIS professional with a background in urban and regional planning. His consulting experience includes leveraging GIS to facilitate changes for cities, counties, and school districts. He is active in redistricting projects across the country, from helping the City of Reno redistrict from five city council wards to six, to analyzing school choice patterns and enrollment trends for school districts from Colorado to Oregon. When not at work, he enjoys gardening, sailing on the Columbia River, fixing up a 100-year-old house, and trying to discuss municipal zoning policy with anyone who will listen. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I know multiple languages, including Russian, German, and Latin. I’m also an old-truck enthusiast and spend time fixing up a perpetually broken 30-year-old pickup.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Arts in Classics, Willamette University
  • GIS Certificate, Portland Community College