Cora Lee

Cora Lee

Graphic Designer

Cora is a graphic designer and illustrator with over a decade of professional experience, including over five years in the engineering industry. Cora collaborates with clients to create clear and compelling visual representations of complex information such as marketing materials, infographics, and presentations.

Cora is a graphic designer and illustrator with over a decade of professional experience, including over five years in the engineering industry. Cora collaborates with clients to create clear and compelling visual representations of complex information such as marketing materials, infographics, and presentations.

Cora’s experience outside of engineering consulting includes an online curriculum company, an educational toy company, and many small local businesses. In her spare time, Cora enjoys working on personal art and writing projects. She’s currently working on a coloring book and a webcomic.

What are you currently reading?  

I’m reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It’s helping me let go of self-sabotaging beliefs, become a better advocate for my art, shift my focus from self-discipline to self-nurturance, and lean into fear and discomfort. I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in developing an art practice and working through creative blocks.

Education & Experience

  • Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design and Illustration, Seattle Central Creative Academy