Cody Schwietzer

Cody Schweitzer

Project Environmental Scientist

Cody plans and executes environmental investigations for private- and public-sector clients in Oregon and Washington. His project experience includes Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, site characterizations, remedial investigations, remedial actions, emergency spill response, and construction oversight.

Cody plans and executes environmental investigations for private- and public-sector clients in Oregon and Washington. His project experience includes Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, site characterizations, remedial investigations, remedial actions, emergency spill response, and construction oversight. His extensive field investigation skills include geologic mapping; logging of subsurface materials; oversight of drilling and test-pit, and contaminated-soil excavation; monitoring well installation, development, and decommissioning; underground storage tank removal; transducer installation, monitoring, and data acquisition; and sampling of groundwater, surface water, stormwater, sediment, soil, soil vapor, sub-slab vapor, and combustible gas. Cody has experience in environmental data collection, management, and reporting; historical data and document review; and technical report writing.

Where is your hometown/where did you grow up? 

I am a member of the seventh generation to live on our family property in Oregon City.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Geology, Portland State University