Claire Hornacek

Claire Hornacek

Staff Communications Specialist

Claire is an administrative assistant in the Seattle and Bellingham offices. She has a diverse professional background that includes experience working in nonprofit, corporate, and government sectors.

Claire is an administrative assistant in the Seattle and Bellingham offices. She has a diverse professional background that includes experience working in nonprofit, corporate, and government sectors. She enjoys supporting the MFA team with all things administration: document production, facilities organization, scheduling, and more.

Claire is a Wisconsin native, and she makes the most of life in the Pacific Northwest by hiking and biking, drinking lots of coffee, and soaking up the summer sun.

What is your go-to weekend hobby? 

Almost every Sunday I go to my local farmers market to stock up on fresh produce. I like to spend the afternoon cooking with all the ingredients I just picked up. It’s a relaxing and productive way to start off the week!

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communication Arts, Minors in Digital Studies and Sustainability, University of Wisconsin-Madison