Bill Beadie

Bill Beadie, CIH

Principal Industrial Hygienist

Bill has over 25 years of experience in health and safety consulting, with expertise in program development, exposure assessment, risk assessment, and employee training. He has experience developing process safety management plans and risk management plans consistent with OSHA and EPA requirements for facilities with large quantities of highly hazardous chemicals.

Bill has over 25 years of experience in health and safety consulting, with expertise in program development, exposure assessment, risk assessment, and employee training. He has experience developing process safety management plans and risk management plans consistent with OSHA and EPA requirements for facilities with large quantities of highly hazardous chemicals. He has worked with many clients to resolve citations issued by regulatory agencies such as OSHA and EPA. Much of Bill’s work is helping clients answer, “Is it safe, and if not, what should I do?”

When away from the office, Bill enjoys skiing and playing guitar, but not at the same time. 

What are you currently reading? 

I’ve had a copy of Gravity’s Rainbow for a long time now, and I have started it over a dozen times. I promised myself that I would finish it. I hit the wall again and went to the free library around the corner from my house and picked up a John Grisham book. I’m enjoying it thoroughly. 

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry/Philosophy, Bates College


  • Certified Industrial Hygienist No. 9031 CP
  • HAZOP and PHA Techniques for Process Safety/Risk Management
  • AHERA Asbestos Supervisor Training
  • NIOSH 582(E) Asbestos Certification