
Alistaire Clary, PE

Managing Director/Principal Engineer

As MFA’s managing director, Alistaire’s focus is ensuring both employees and clients are well cared for. She serves as a principal in charge for several projects where she provides planning, mentoring, direction, and quality control for project deliverables.

As MFA’s managing director, Alistaire’s focus is ensuring both employees and clients are well cared for. She serves as a principal in charge for several projects where she provides planning, mentoring, direction, and quality control for project deliverables.

Alistaire’s professional experience has focused on environmental site assessment and remediation, mine reclamation, and environmental compliance and stormwater treatment design for industrial facilities. She has significant experience with waterfront industrial properties including management of riverbank and in-water projects with complex permitting requirements. Alistaire is recognized for her expertise and experience managing multidisciplinary teams and for her skills in bringing people together to produce the best results possible for her clients.

A favorite project and why? 

This is a very hard choice. One of my favorite projects is the work we do for the Coeur d’Alene Trust because the project requires so much strategic planning and coordination in partnership with our client and EPA to evaluate how to approach the site assessment and remediation of hundreds of projects within the Bunker Hill Superfund site. We’ve been working for the Trust for more than 10 years and hope to continue the work for many more. It’s really fulfilling to think about all the progress we’ve helped the client make in the last 10 years. The magnitude of the work is hard to overstate.

Education & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Washington State University


  • Professional Civil Engineer: Washington, No. 38310, Oregon, No. 71315PE



  • 40-Hour HAZWOPER Training
  • 2011 Graduate of Leadership Clark County