Press Release
Transforming a Brownfield Site into a Community Asset: OSU-Cascades Campus Expansion

Our project team continues to work with Oregon State University-Cascades to turn a former brownfield site into a community asset. The client recently created a video showcasing the transformation. Brooke Harmon, PE, MFA project engineer, is featured in this project video shown on the OSU-Cascades website!
Stacy Frost, PE, MFA principal in charge, offered these words about the project. “We are thrilled to continue our involvement in this innovative brownfield project in Central Oregon. In 2016, we assisted OSU-Cascades as they evaluated the redevelopment feasibility for a 72-acre landfill and 46-acre pumice mine to expand their campus. Since then, our involvement has continued. Over the last seven years, we have assisted with design and permitting for the first phase of remediation of the landfill and reclamation of the pumice mine. The current phase of development is beginning construction, and we will continue to use the proven strategies we used during the first phase.”
Visit the OSU-Cascades website for more information on the project.