Press Release

Oregon State University Plans Expansion on Reclaimed Demolition Landfill Site

Aerial of the OSU project.

Model of the Oregon State University Plans Expansion on Reclaimed Demolition Landfill SiteKudos to Oregon State University’s Cascade Campus for thinking creatively to reclaim underutilized property in the newly-released plan to expand OSU’s Bend campus to meet future enrollment projections.

We have been fortunate to work closely with OSU to ensure that reclamation and redevelopment strategies both minimize community and environmental impact, and use state resources wisely.

Click on the links below to learn more from recently published news stories.

The Bend Bulletin:

US News & World Report:

KTVZ News:

The Statesman Journal:

Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce:

Portland Daily Journal of Commerce:

American Society of Civil Engineers:

Published June 22, 2017Press Release