
Meet Steve Taylor, President/Principal Engineer

Steve Taylor

Where are you from and where do you live now?

Tricky question. Born in Wisconsin, but my dad was in the army, so we moved. I lived in 15 places in my first 18 years. I have lived in in Oregon since attending Oregon State University.

What do you do at MFA?

I am President, which means I try to stay out of the way and make sure everyone else is supported so they can do what they do.

What’s rewarding about your job?

We have great people and great clients. I get excited when clients come to us after someone else has let them down or someone told them their project couldn’t be done, and we deliver and get it done. These can be big projects or small projects, and I see them at MFA every day.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

Do people still go to restaurants in a global pandemic?  My favorite place is Lucca. If I want to try something new, I ask Ted Wall; he knows all the hip new places.

Why is what you do important?

We as a company make the world a better place, one project at a time. So by supporting our team and helping our company thrive, I get to make the world a better place.

What skills do you bring to your work?

I am a pretty good typist and I have a decent math aptitude (up to at least high school Algebra), but I think my greatest skill is I always believe there is a way to get something done, and I won’t quit until I figure it out.

What do you like to do off the clock?

Golf, eat, watch Netflix, sleep, and repeat.

If you were not an engineer, what would you be?

Why wouldn’t I be an engineer? Isn’t that everyone’s dream? Looking back if I had to choose something different, because I couldn’t be an engineer, I would be a professional golf caddie. I’m not good enough to play, but I can carry a golf bag and read a green.

What’s on your bucket list?

Visiting Prague, Vienna, Scotland, Barcelona (again), and Milan. Golfing in Scotland, Ireland (again), Pebble Beach, and Whistling Straits.

What was your favorite childhood movie/TV show?

Movie—Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. TV Show—Scooby Doo before Scrappy.

Published January 5, 2021Spotlight