
Meet Nicole Bruneel, Staff Chemist

Nicole Bruneel

Where are you from and where do you live now?

I am from central Idaho, and now I own a small farm in Northern Idaho.

What do you do at MFA?

I am a chemist and manage projects out of the MFA Kellogg office. Most of the projects that I work on focus on remedial design investigations of historical mining sites and areas impacted by historical mining operations.

What’s rewarding about your job?

Being able to see the positive impacts that our work has on the local community. From talking with miners at the local dive bar to recreating in the area with friends, the work we do has positive impacts for everyone, including my own family.

What’s your favorite restaurant/place to go in your area?

My own kitchen; my husband is a sous/head chef, so I get spoiled. If I had to pick though, there are some good breweries in Wallace that I bounce between.

What skills do you bring to your work?

I have a research background that conditioned me with an out-of-the-box mindset.

What do you like to do off the clock?

My husband, daughter, and I live on a farm. Our current livestock include 18 goats, 39 chickens, 12 ducks, three dogs, and one cat. The farm also has an orchard, vineyard, and a garden that is way too big of a producer for our small family. It definitely keeps us busy most of the year!

If you were not a chemist, what would you be?

Agricultural chemist and/or a large property farmer.

What was your favorite childhood movie/TV show?

Nickelodeon’s Avatar the Last Airbender TV show. All three seasons.

Published November 16, 2021Spotlight


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Carly Schaefer

Director of Marketing and Business Development