Meet Andrew Rogers, Meteorologist

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I was born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina. After graduating college, I spent three years in Colorado before moving to Portland, where I’ve lived since 2016.
What do you do at MFA?
I’m an air quality meteorologist with MFA. As the title would suggest, I use my knowledge of meteorology and air quality to assist companies with making sure their industrial facilities comply with all components of the Clean Air Act and state/local air regulations. Depending on the size and makeup of the facility, this can include federal or state air quality permitting, atmospheric dispersion modeling, and ambient meteorological and air quality monitoring.
What do you find rewarding about your job?
I’m a scientist at heart, so getting to use science and math to solve complex environmental problems is incredibly rewarding and keeps me coming back for more.
Why is what you do important?
This work is especially important if you breathe. Each year more studies come out detailing how detrimental to acute and chronic health conditions inhalation of polluted air can be. Although industrial pollution is only one piece of the air quality pie in the sky, it’s important to make sure we are helping facilities put their best foot forward to improve air quality for local communities.
What skills do you bring to your work?
My academic training has provided me with a deep knowledge of meteorology—from the microscale up through the synoptic scale—that really comes in handy when evaluating air quality problems. Characterizing the dispersion and transport of pollutants in the atmosphere is a key challenge in the air quality field, and having an understanding of weather phenomena really helps in providing air quality permitting solutions for our clients.
What’s the best advice you’ve received from a work colleague?
The solution to a complex problem isn’t necessarily a complex answer. More often than not, a simple answer will provide the most effective solution. —Brian Eagle
What is your favorite MFA project that you have worked on and why?
My favorite projects require ambient meteorological monitoring. These are particularly fun, as I get to step away from the computer and travel out to remote locations to work on monitoring equipment in the field.
If you were not a meteorologist, what would you be?
I have a deep passion for traveling and environmental geography. I would try to find a career that would allow me to do both of those things.
What’s on your bucket list?
One local item on my bucket list is summitting all the volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest. So far, I’m at two, so there’s a long way to go. Another one is a lot of traveling, including backpacking through New Zealand.
What was your favorite childhood movie?
Probably no surprise, but my favorite childhood movie was Twister. I can still remember the first time I watched it. I would definitely give it partial credit as the catalyst for getting me into meteorology.
What’s your favorite restaurant/place to go in your area?
Brunch is my jam. Pine State Biscuits is one of my favorite brunch spots. Their fried chicken biscuits remind me of home (North Carolina). Cheryl’s on 12th in downtown Portland also has an amazing Portuguese Fried Rice.
What do you like to do off the clock?
When not in the office, I love traveling and going on outdoor adventures with my wife, Holly, and daughter, Finley. Finley is at the age (4) where she’s starting to get into exploring the outdoors, so we try to hit up all the parks in the Portland area