
Knowledge from Experience: Stormwater and Sediment Conferences

We are environmental engineering professionals dedicated to helping our clients succeed.|

Several MFA staff are presenting at conferences in February.

  • Neil Alongi will be presenting at the Advanced Washington Stormwater Conference, February 7th at the Washington Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. His practical years of experience in the stormwater world will be evident in his presentation on “Stormwater Treatment and Technology: What Works, What Doesn’t.” The speaker line-up includes the Christine Psyk, associate director of USEPA Region 10 Office of Water and Watersheds, Bill Moore from the Water Quality Program Washington Department of Ecology, and Jeff Kray from Marten Law, among others.
  • Neil will also be speaking at the Winter Session of the Western Wood Preserving Institute on the status of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Stormwater General Industrial updates for the 1200Z and 1200COLS permits.  Neil is a member of the Industrial Stormwater Advisory Committee and has been providing input to DEQ on the two permits being updated.
  • Both Madi Novak and Erik Bakkom will be presenting at the Battelle Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Conference in New Orleans, held February 7th through the 10th. Madi will share a poster presentation titled “Using Multiple Lines of Evidence to Define the Boundary of a Cap” on Wednesday, February 9 at 5:45 PM. Erik will be presenting a paper in Track C4: Cap Design titled “Integration of Multiple Design Elements for a Multi-Component Sediment Cap” February 9 at 8:50 AM.

If you’re planning to attend any of these conferences or would like more information, please contact us. 

Published January 26, 2011Spotlight